Monday, February 2, 2009

Mae Surint Waterfall

Mae Surint Waterfall

Located east of the provincial of Mae Hong Son this National Park a 396.60 km2 of rugged terrain. In a step to preserve representative natural features of this mountainous province, the park was established in 1981 as the 37th National Park of Thailand.


The park contains some of the more dominant peaks of the Thanon Tongchai mountain range with elevations varying between 300m. and 1700m. above sea level. These highlands give birth to numerous streams and small rivers which are important tributaries of the Pai river, the main river of this region.


The three distinct seasons of Northern Thailand offer varied conditions within Mae Surin Waterfall National Park throughout the year. With the mountain tops and river valleys often wreathed in mist, the cold season (Nov. – Feb.) affords beautiful scenery, lush vegetation, and comfortable temperatures for hiking and camping. This season is the favourite among tourists. The temperatures during the hot season (March – May) can be somewhat oppressive in the lowlands of Mae Hong Son with a mean high temperature of 39Celsius in the month of April Exploring the highlands or relaxing on the banks of the Pai river are a great way to beat the heat. With the majority of the 1230mm. Of annual rain falling during the months of June – October, the rainy season brings the forest into vibrant life and fills the rivers and their waterfalls to full capacity. While nature is at this time in its grandest state, hiking and travel are at most times troublesome at best. Careful planning should be made prior to visitation during this time of year to ensure safety.

Flora and Fauna

Within the borders of the park is a matrix of highly diverse habitat types ranging from the sparsely vegetated dry dypterocarp forest to lush and dense evergreen forest. Flora of interest are the famed Teak tree, stands of upland pine, and many species of orchid and wildflower, including an indigenous and rare Lady Slipper Orchid. Recent reported.

Sightings of animals of interest include: Malayan sun bear, serow, golden cat, common muntjac, gibbon, wild boar, python and cobra. The preliminary survey of species presence is currently under way, so little is known of the birdlife of the park. A computer generated list of possible species present identifies 386 species possible, and early results of the survey suggest highly diverse and abundant birdlife. Contact the headquarters for an updated bird list and information on good birding sites.

Tat Ton Waterfall

Tat Ton Waterfall

Tat Ton National Park located on Phu Lan ka Mountain range in Phu Lan Ka conservation forest. The park has total area of 217.18 km2. It was designated to be National Park on the 31st December 1980 as the 23rd national park of Thailand. This area is a part of Lum Pa Tao river source and flow to meet Shee River of which utilize Esarn People.

It is on Phu Lanka Mountains. Most of the land is on the highland and surrounded by mountains. In the central is lowland. There are three peaks: Phu Kaset, Phu Dee, and Phu Youk. Each peak is the water sources as well as Dtan-dta-nod Waterfall. The river is flowing though Muang District, Chaiyapoom.


There are three kinds of weather as the following:

  1. Summer – between February-May, the weather is very hot. Most of tourists prefer to go to the waterfall.
  2. Rainy – between June – September, Dtad-Ton waterfall is very beautiful during this time.
  3. Winter – between October-January, the average weather is about 13c

Flora and Fauna

The Park consists of dipterocarp forest and dry evergreen forest, important flora are Shorea Obtusa, Shorea Siamensis, Dipterocarpus tuberculatus, Dipterocarpus obtusifollus, Semecarpus and Pterocarpus macrocarpus. Wildlife are found here e.g. barking deer, wild pig, mangoose, siamese hare, squirrel, shrew, red junglefowl and birds.

Thanks :